The following dates have been announced:
- January 2020: Circular 1.
- April 2020: Circular 2.
- July 31, 2020: Registration closing.
- August 2020: Acceptance letter endorsed by the international scientific committee.
- September 30, 2020: Delivery of paper for publication.
- October 20-22 of 2020: International Symposium.
- Francisco Rodríguez Cascante, UCR-SRO
- Esteban Rodríguez Dobles, UCR-EEG
- Juan Pablo Bubello, University of Buenos Aires and CEEO-UNASUR
- Gabriel Terol, University of Valencia
- Ricardo Martínez Esquivel, UCR-SRP and REHMLAC +
For further information, contact This is the email address of the Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña (Journal for the Historical Study of Latin American and Caribbean Freemasonry).