Thursday, 11 July 2019

After ENSIE at ESSWE 7

The ENSIE panels at ESSWE 7 in Amsterdam went well (see photo of audience for first panel), though there were some cancellations for the third panel. An extra paper was added to this: Daniel Joslyn on "No Ordinary Fanatics," reporting the vicissitudes of the first ever trip to the US by Middle Eastern Sufis.

There was also an ENSIE meeting, at which it was reported that ENSIE now has 67 members, 58% of whom are based in Europe, most of the remainder being in the Americas. ENSIE only has 8 members based in the Middle East, but this may change.

Publications deriving from the ENSIE panels at ESSWE 6 in Erfurt and from ENSIE 1 in Venice are progressing satisfactorily. It is hoped to put together a special issue of a suitable journal based around a selection of the ESSWE 7 papers.

Plans for ENSIE 2--the second ENSIE conference, to be held in 2020--were discussed, and a proposal to hold the conference in Marseille was enthusiastically accepted. More details soon!